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AUG-SEP Prayer Calendar

Dear Friends and Supporters, sorry that the prayer calendar is late.  It has been a busy and wonderful summer and I am just not getting caught up on all the things I need to do. Thank you for your patient care and concern for me. All of you are much appreciated, and dearly loved. As I will be away for most of September, I have joined the next two months into one prayer calendar.


August 4-9   Foot of Ten Ind Baptist Church will have their annual Youth Camp with us, lead by Pastor Dave Huston  


August 7  I was to lead an outdoor sing-a-long at Fellowship Bible Church in Shenandoah Junction WV this evening but it got rained out. Kind ‘a bummed.  


August 13  I have a root canal scheduled today (not looking forward to it)


August 15 New Life Full Time Staff end of the summer cookout


August 27- September 27  I will be away for four weeks. I will be attending the Tommy Emmanuel Guitar Camp in Nashville, then driving out to Mena Arkansas to spend time with high school friend and fellow guitar player for a couple weeks. I will end my time away in Knoxville, visiting family & friends.  


August 29-September 1: Peniel Christina center will hold their annual youth retreat at New Life Labor day Weekend.


September 6-8:  Calvary Chapel of Morgantown WV will hold their annual retreat at New Life, led by Alex and Mel Santiago.


September 19-21: New Life Bible Camp will host the annual crafter retreat. Contact Megan Weaver for more information


September 20-22: New Life Bible Camp will host the annual Father Son Adventure Camp retreat, Contact Zach Weaver for more information.


September 27-28 New Life Bible Camp will host the annual Mother Daughter Horse weekend. Contact Abby Donaldson for more information



1: We had 36 campers make a decision for Christ this past summer!


2: I got to work with an exceptional group of young adults who were our Camp Kainos counselors. (Heidi Coleman, Alyssa lake, Mandy Grove, Chloe Donaldson, Teague Mendez, Tate Morley, & Teves Newlin).


3: The Day Camp Staff was led by Caroline Welty and Alex Leonard.

The Adventure Camp Staff was led by Morgan Allen, Jojo Crowder, James Spinar, and george Crowder.


4: The Kitchen staff was led by Kelsie Holliday, Willow Wratchford, Parker Grove, Elizabeth Leonard, & Miriam Crowder


5: Samuel Wickens served as out maintenance volunteer


6: The full time staff that supervised this various areas of camp are Todd and Kim Donaldson, Zach and Megan Weaver, Chris and Johanna Sirbaugh, Abby Donaldson, & Andy Maples


Prayer Requests:


1: The purpose of my long trip in September is to start investigating my upcoming retirement in the spring.  I am praying about moving to Mena, Arkansas nest April or May with the mission of starting a men’s ministry with my high school friend Richard Peck. Pray that God will direct my steps!


2: Pray for all the retreat that will have lined up in the fall. We still have a couple of open weekends. Lord willing, I will be back at camp to help the retreat groups that are with us October thru December.


3: Pray that the Lord will provide for all my needs when the time for retirement does occur (financial needs such as living expenses, medical, etc.). I am praying about wisdom as I look ahead for what the Lord has for me next.


Thanks again for praying for me and the ministry of New Life Bible Camp!  


Ever Only Jesus,

Andy Maples


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