Dear Friends and Supporters,
The weekend of May 3-5 will be our final guest retreat as we will be hosting the Middle School Youth group from Seneca Creek Community Church. We do have some events in May that be of interest to you. Our final hosted event for the month of April was the Family Retreat. We had 7 families participating and it was a great time. We appreciate Wes Rinehart coming on Saturday to be our featured speaker. Zach Weaver spoke Friday night and I wrapped things up by leading worship and devotions Sunday morning before everyone headed home. We also have 2 day trip groups coming to use the camp grounds (May 15 is Calvary Christian Academy Elementary School and May 23rd we will host the Lighthouse Christian Elementary School). We had our last guitar night April 16th and will be taking a break from that until the fall. Some of us from the guitar club are celebrating closing the guitar night by driving over to Gettysburg to enjoy a guitar concert by our hero and maybe greatest guitarist since Chet Atkins, the one and only Tommy Emmanuel. Another thing that is happening in May is Chloe Donaldson is going to Kenya as part of a short missions trip as part of a team from her school, Lancaster Bible College. Please keep her in your prayers.
Most of the month of May will be to focus on preparing for the Summer Camp Program, “Hallelujah the Lord Reigns!” I am excited to announce who will be serving with me as Camp Kainos Residential Staff. The girl counselors are Heidi Coleman and Alyssa Lake, coming back for their 3rd years. We are also adding two new girls, Chloe Donaldson and Mandy Groves. Chloe served in the kitchen last summer and Mandy is a long time camper. On the guy’s side, we will have Teague Mendez, Tate Morley, and Teves Newlin. This is their first year as a counselor for all three, but they all have served as junior counselors and day camp assistants in previous summers. I feel very confident that all of the Camp Kainos staff will be up to the task for ministering to the campers this summer. Our teaching times will focus on short portions of Scripture from the book of Revelations (Rev 1, 19, 21, & 22). I have enjoyed studying this material so that I can pass along the lesson plans to the staff. “Even so Lord Jesus Come!”
I appreciate everyone’s prayer support and also for those who support me financially. The Lord has truly blest all of us on the full time staff with wonderful folks that inspire and encourage us through their faithfulness in supporting the ministries of New Life Bible Camp. I want to thank each of you who prays for me specifically. It is truly an honor to be one of the camp missionaries of New Life Bible Camp! God bless you all!!
Ever Only Jesus
- Andy Maples