Summer Camps

Since 1971, New Life Bible Camp has been providing an excellent environment for campers to interact with God through Bible studies, in real-life examples discovered in God's nature, by exciting activities, during worship that is warm and personal, and as they see God reflected in their trained counselors!
An excellent community, whether in a dorm room at Camp Kainos or in a platform tent at Adventure camp, inside or outside, campers develop friendships, learn about others, experience new things that challenge them and their group to grow, and discover the fascination and beauty of God's creation-exploring, touching, feeling God's wonder, all of which confirms God's truths in the Bible.
Most importantly, your children have counselors that are totally dedicated to guiding your child through the day, through every experience, and in his or her cabin group. Counselors especially help your child to discover more of what God has created him or her to be!

Camp Kainos
If you have seen the sign in front of the Main Lodge, you will notice the slogan, “Where God’s Word is Central“. Since 1972, New Life Bible Camp has attempted to create a fun, exciting camp environment for children of all ages, while teaching the truth of God’s Word. This summer is no different, as we participate in fun and crazy camp games, take a quiet hike on a mountain near or far, or slide down the waterslide. We will also teach lessons from the life of Jesus. We hope that you will join us this summer on an adventure discovering relevant truth in God’s Word.
Adventure Camp
In the valley between Coughenour Ridge and Curly Mountain is the site of New Life’s Adventure Camp. This summer, come discover the truth that Jesus taught in the beautiful outdoors. In our daily Bible studies, the staff provide dynamic examples of how Jesus called us to live, and answer the tough questions that come from a sincere experience with the Gospel. Adventure Camp is designed to push you out of your comfort zone while still providing the treats of S’MORES and encouraging you to focus on the majesty of God’s creation.

Day Camp
We have a number of special weeks this summer where you can experience the fun and excitement of camp for just the daylight hours. You’ll enjoy fun group games, and camp favorites like the zipwire, climbing wall, horseback riding, and Bible studies with counselors. We will also be offering specialized activities and events for each week. Enjoy camp for the day, then go home in the evening.