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Happy Holidays 2024


Dear Friends and Supporters,

       Hello everyone! I hope all of you are enjoying the holidays. We got  a small taste of a white Christmas yesterday during the church service at Calvary Bible Church in Ellerslie, MD. When I arrived at the church early Sunday morning to go through the songs with the praise team, it was not too bad, mostly misty and no ice. When I left church, well, that was a different story. It was icy all the way back home. I later discovered that the majority of the local churches had cancelled morning and evening services due to the ice, so I am glad I got to get out and play guitar at Calvary.  I love playing guitar for church, especially when it is all Christmas songs.  It was well worth the trip (and they had a great meal following the service).

       Many of you have been praying for me as I continue to recover from an infection that forced me to stay a little less than a week in the hospital.  I am not completely recovered but I have shown good progress in the last couple of weeks.  My temperature remains normal and my blood sugar is coming down daily. I still have a lot to improve in the area of my health, but I am starting to feel like my old self again.  My doctor told me that it usually takes about 3 weeks to a month to fully recovery. I really appreciate everyone praying for me and encouraging me.

       Mainly, I am writing to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas season and a happy New Year. If I feel up to it, I hope to drive down to Knoxville to spend the holidays with family and friends in Knoxville, TN.  May God bless you and your family!


           Ever Only Jesus

   - Andy Maples  




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