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JAN 2025 Prayer Calendar


JAN 3-5 We start the New Year with familiar church youth group who had not been with us in a long time, returning for a high school youth retreat. Welcome back Hampstead Baptist Church and new youth pastor Cameron Heathmen. I get to sit in with the praise bad.

JAN 10-12 We follow up with another new retreat group, this time from Central Chapel of Hedgesville WV, lead by Zach Rinehart. I am going to do some of the worship leading for this group.

JAN 17-19 Fellowship Bible Church of Shenandoah Junction WV will be with us for their annual high school retreat, lead by Tim LeMaster. I am leading worship for this group.

JAN 18 I will be speaking for the Men's Breakfast event at Memorial Heights Baptist Church, as a way of introducing me as the new director of Men's Ministries.

JAN 24-26  Beavertown Bible Church from up around State College PA, lead by youth pastor Matt Winters, will have their annual youth retreat at New Life Bible Camp.

JAN 31-FEB 2  CenterPoint Bible Church of Falling Waters WV, lead by long time friend, Pastor Billy Hearn, will have their annual high school youth retreat at New Life, and I will assist in worship leading.  



1: I am in the process of recovering from the blood infection/UTI that put me out of commission a few weeks back, so that is a praise. My doctor told me that may take a good bit of time to fully recover.  

2: I am doing better with keeping my blood sugar at a safe and proper level. I appreciate the staff at the Hyndman Area Health Clinic for all their help and encouragement in how I need to deal with having diabetes.  

3: With my retirement coming up in May, I have been looking for a new place to live for when the time comes to move.  I am looking at a trailer in Ridgely WV that looks to be a perfect for what I am looking for. It is right in line with my budget, has all the room I need, and is only a ten minute drive to the church I will be working at starting in June,   

4:  The church I will be working for part time in June asked me to be the speaker for their next Men’s Breakfast. One of my main duties once I start working with the church is to develop a men’s ministry. Excited about that.     

5: Pray that the Lord provides for all the open positions for the 2025 Summer Camp program.

6: Pray for upcoming events in the spring. The Small Group Retreat/Dodge Ball Tourney with speaker Trey Hensley and the Men’s Retreat March 28-29 with speaker Kemp Wynn on the topic of “Finishing Well!”


Thanks for your prayers and support

Ever Only Jesus,  

Andy Maples


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